My pottery journey….

began in the mid 1980s when I was completing a teaching degree with Art and Design. I chose Ceramics and was fortunate to have the most amazing Ceramics teacher.

My degree dissertation focused on researching and creating ash glazes using ash from different sources.

I also experimented with seaweed placed directly on pots as they went into their final firing – the results were quite interesting!

This photo shows my end of degree pottery exhibition. Sadly this is the only photograph I have from that day!! 

The next chapters..

I bought a second-hand wheel and kiln for home but never managed to fully take advantage of it due to increasing work commitments.

But the dream of being a potter never left me.

Fast forward to 2021 – it has been a long time but the draw was always there. Following refresher pottery courses at the Leach pottery, (St Ives), and The MAC in Birmingham, we hatched an amazing plan to build a studio, and here I am !

But before my studio was built I threw pots in my conservatory, which I took over as my temporary studio! It was messy, absorbing and wonderful! I had a plastic greenhouse inside the conservatory for my wheel. Martha was very inquisitive and very determined to get inside though not always able to find her way out again!

Before I had my electric wheel, I owned a kick wheel which was really fun to use, but not brilliant for my short legs!!Having the studio set up in my conservatory gave me the freedom to discover clay again. It was brilliant and a bit amazing to discover  that my hands remembered what to do! I love it!

White Cat Ceramics was launched in January 2023. Several logos in, I now have a bespoke logo created by a very talented illustrator.

Now I am selling my pots through Folksy and Etsy, Craft fairs and in Design44 store at Trentham Retail Village.